Peer reviewed writing

The Dione Hills Tavistock Institute and UK Evaluation Society Prize

In memory of Dione Hills, the Tavistock Institute and the UK Evaluation Society have awarded a prize for the best short paper on the application of complexity-informed thinking in the field of evaluation. Winner Cathy Sharp (2021) Be a participant, not a spectator – new territories for evaluation, Announcement here, published in The Evaluator, Spring 2022 and is made available with kind permission here.

Chapter Summary

Encounters with the Participatory Imagination in the UK Action Research Community: Interplays and Silences (2022)  Cathy Sharp and Ruth Balogh.  This is part of a series of chapter summaries of the Handbook of Participatory Research and Inquiry.


Cathy Sharp, Joette Thomas and Ruth Brown (2022) Because how we talk matters: using action inquiry to nurture a coaching culture, Action Learning: Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/14767333.2022.2033022

Sharp, C. (2020) Practising change together – where nothing is clear, and everything keeps changing, Action Learning: Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/14767333.2020.1712838

Sharp, C (2018)  What can we do with our stories? Reflections from the FaroesConcept, 9(2), p. 5.

Sharp, C., Dewar, B., Barrie, K and Meyer, J (2018) How being appreciative creates change – theory in practice from health and social care in Scotland, Action Research, Vol 16 Issue 2, June

Dewar, B., Sharp, C., Barrie, K., MacBride, T and Meyer, J (2017) Caring Conversation Framework to Promote Person Centered Care: Synthesizing Qualitative Findings from a Multi-Phase Research Program, The International Journal of Person Centered Medicine, Vol 7 Issue 1 pp 21-35

Dewar, B., Barrie, K., Sharp, C and Meyer, J (2017) Implementation of a complex intervention to support leadership development in nursing homes: a multi-method participatory study.  Journal of Applied Gerontology

Belinda Dewar and Cathy Sharp (2013) Appreciative dialogue for co-facilitation in action research and practice development, International Practice Development Journal, Volume 3, Issue 2

Netto, G, Pawson, H, and Sharp, C (2009) Preventing homelessness due to domestic violence: providing a safe space or closing the door to new possibilities? Social Policy & Administration, Vol. 43, No. 7, Dec, pp. 719–735

Dewar, B. and Sharp, C (2006) Using evidence: how action learning can support individual and organisational learning through action research, Educational Action Research Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 219–237

Book Chapters

Sharp, C and Balogh, R (2021) Becoming Participatory: some contributions to action research in the UK, in Burns, D., Howard, J. and Ospina, S. M. (eds) The Sage Handbook of Participatory Research and Inquiry

Sharp, C and Dewar, B. (2017) Learning in Action: Extending Our Understanding of Appreciative Inquiry, in Zuber-Skerrett, O (ed) Conferences as Sites of Learning and Development: Using Participatory Action Learning and Action Research Approaches, Routledge

Dewar, B., McBride, A and Sharp, C (2017) Person-centred research, in McCormack, B and McCance, T Person-Centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care (2nd ed.) Wiley-Blackwell

Humphreys, C., Thiara, R. K., Sharp, C., and Jones, J (2015) Supporting the relationship Between Mothers and Children in the Aftermath of Domestic Violence, in Stanley, N and Humphreys, C (eds)  Domestic Violence and Protecting Children, New Thinking and Approaches, Jessica Kingsley, London

Sharp, C (2014) Creating a community of reflective practice – supporting children and mothers in recovery from domestic abuse in Stern, T., Rauch, F., Schuster, A., and Townsend, A (Eds), Promoting Change Through Action Research: Current Trends In Education, Social Work Health Care And Community Development,  Sense

Sharp, C (2005) Housing Conditions in the 21st Century: no room for complacency, in Dorling, D., Ford, J., Holmans, A., Sharp, C., Thomas, B., and Wilcox, S The Great Divide: an analysis of housing inequality, London: Shelter, July

Book reviews

Sharp, C (2022) Book review of How to be a Reflexive Researcher, Action Learning: Research and Practice, DOI:

Sharp, C. (2019) Book review of Action learning and action research: genres and approaches, Action Learning: Research and Practice, DOI: 10.1080/14767333.2019.1655974

Sharp, C (2016) Book review of The sage encyclopedia of action research, Action Learning: Research and Practice

Sharp, C (2015) Book Review of Klev, R and Levin, M. (2012) Participative transformation learning and development in practising change, in Action Learning: Research and Practice, Volume 12, Issue 2, May 2015